For Earth’s Sake CIC is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company that informs and enables people and business to put the planet first and help to show how we as individuals can make a real difference!
At the heart of For Earth’s Sake CIC is Vanessa Ford-Robbins who, alongside partners Nik Huddy and Charlie Edwards, launched the For Earth’s Sake shop in Cranleigh in April 2019 with the ethos of shoppers being more aware of their actions, and the choices that they can make in mitigating their carbon footprint on the planet.
We relocated to Vanessa’s barn in April 2024, and For Earth’s Sake shop is now open in Upper House Lane (Run Common Road end) GU5 0SX. All the electricity used in the shop is powered by a solar array which sits next to the building. The new space also has ample parking for shoppers, so no more challenges in trying to park on or near the High Street.
Since opening, For Earth’s Sake has become a trusted and appreciated shopping hub for many, and we will continue “doing what is says on the tin” for as long as we can.
Vanessa Ford-Robbins, owner of For Earth’s Sake, said: “We’ve had many achievements at For Earth’s Sake during our first five years: Over 30,000 customers have left with no single-use plastic in their shopping; 2. Not a single new plastic bag has been given out by us for people’s shopping; and 3. Any waste from For Earth’s Sake, including cardboard packaging, paper, a small amount of food-stuffs and recyclable plastic has been fully recycled or re-used. 4. We have our own solar array which generates all the electricity which powers the shop, chillers and oven… so NO fossil fuels in sight!”
“If we can assist in showing people and fellow business owners that life can be lived without plastic and reduce, and even stop the retail industry’s dependence on single-use plastic we are doing our job. Our customers at For Earth’s Sake are showing that as individuals we can take action and make a difference. Daily we see passion from our customers about them doing their bit as an individual on saving the planet, saving our environment, and saving our ecology. Though we have had five years of beneficial and successful trading this is just the start for us. We are planning much more, both in the shop and in our community, and our customers will help us in achieving our plans, and more importantly be with us on this journey.”
For Earth’s Sake continues to inform and enable living a fulfilling waste-free life.
Vanessa Ford-Robbins continued: “Our primary goal at For Earth’s Sake CIC is to reduce, as far as practicable and possible, the unnecessary waste that enters our environment through human consumption. Our initial aim was to foster a communal interest in zero-waste shopping and become a hub in Cranleigh and the wider community for people, young and old, to shop ethically. We believe with the help of our like-minded customers who are enthusiastic about protecting the planet and its animals, we have achieved this aim. We now want to continue to evolve and build a planet together that we can all be proud of, and we will aim to educate future generations about the numerous benefits of zero-waste shopping.”
Whilst the For Earth’s Sake shop is key, the focus for the CIC is now evolving... more news on this soon!
March 2024
At the heart of For Earth’s Sake CIC is Vanessa Ford-Robbins who, alongside partners Nik Huddy and Charlie Edwards, launched the For Earth’s Sake shop in Cranleigh in April 2019 with the ethos of shoppers being more aware of their actions, and the choices that they can make in mitigating their carbon footprint on the planet.
We relocated to Vanessa’s barn in April 2024, and For Earth’s Sake shop is now open in Upper House Lane (Run Common Road end) GU5 0SX. All the electricity used in the shop is powered by a solar array which sits next to the building. The new space also has ample parking for shoppers, so no more challenges in trying to park on or near the High Street.
Since opening, For Earth’s Sake has become a trusted and appreciated shopping hub for many, and we will continue “doing what is says on the tin” for as long as we can.
Vanessa Ford-Robbins, owner of For Earth’s Sake, said: “We’ve had many achievements at For Earth’s Sake during our first five years: Over 30,000 customers have left with no single-use plastic in their shopping; 2. Not a single new plastic bag has been given out by us for people’s shopping; and 3. Any waste from For Earth’s Sake, including cardboard packaging, paper, a small amount of food-stuffs and recyclable plastic has been fully recycled or re-used. 4. We have our own solar array which generates all the electricity which powers the shop, chillers and oven… so NO fossil fuels in sight!”
“If we can assist in showing people and fellow business owners that life can be lived without plastic and reduce, and even stop the retail industry’s dependence on single-use plastic we are doing our job. Our customers at For Earth’s Sake are showing that as individuals we can take action and make a difference. Daily we see passion from our customers about them doing their bit as an individual on saving the planet, saving our environment, and saving our ecology. Though we have had five years of beneficial and successful trading this is just the start for us. We are planning much more, both in the shop and in our community, and our customers will help us in achieving our plans, and more importantly be with us on this journey.”
For Earth’s Sake continues to inform and enable living a fulfilling waste-free life.
Vanessa Ford-Robbins continued: “Our primary goal at For Earth’s Sake CIC is to reduce, as far as practicable and possible, the unnecessary waste that enters our environment through human consumption. Our initial aim was to foster a communal interest in zero-waste shopping and become a hub in Cranleigh and the wider community for people, young and old, to shop ethically. We believe with the help of our like-minded customers who are enthusiastic about protecting the planet and its animals, we have achieved this aim. We now want to continue to evolve and build a planet together that we can all be proud of, and we will aim to educate future generations about the numerous benefits of zero-waste shopping.”
Whilst the For Earth’s Sake shop is key, the focus for the CIC is now evolving... more news on this soon!
March 2024